About GroboUtils For Developers | GroboCodeCoverage version 1.1.0 Using GroboCoverage With AntAuthor:Matt Albrecht Getting StartedThis document describes how to get up and running with simple build files. The ant task guide describes each Ant task in detail. If your build environment is "complex", then this document should help your more basic questions. If you need more detailed information regarding the operation of GroboCoverage, try this document. Downloading the GroboCoverage Files
Before you get started, download the latest GroboCoverage zip file
(you can find it
here), which, at the time of this document, is called
Inside are two JAR files, the "ant" and "runtime" code-coverage files. The "ant" file contains the code-coverage files required for compiling the coverage probes into your class files and all the dependent libraries, while the "runtime" jar only contains those class files necessary to run the recompiled class files. Changing Your Ant Build FileTo test with the coverage-enabled class files, you'll need to change your build files. Referencing the New TasksFirst off, before using any of the provided Ant tasks, you'll need to tell Ant about them. You have two options:
In order to use the Post-Compile Your ClassesNext, you'll need to "post-compile" your classes, after they've been compiled. This "post-compilation" stage inserts probes into your class files to tell when lines of code have been encountered. Since post-compilation makes different class files that will most probably be slower than the original, the author recommends putting these into a different directory, separate from the original class files. So, let's say you have a compilation step that looks like this: <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" debug="on"> <classpath> <path refid="classpath.base" /> </classpath> </javac>You would then add after it the <grobo-instrument>
<grobo-instrument logdir="coverage/logs" logger="fast" destdir="coverage/classes"> <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"> <exclude name="dont/check/coverage/*.class" /> </fileset> <measure type="linecount" /> <measure type="function" /> </grobo-instrument>which would put all the coverage-enabled class files into the coverage/classes directory. It will insert probes into the
classes to check for Java code-lines executed, and which Java functions
were called, but only for the classes that were post-compiled. In this
case, none of the classes in the package "dont.check.coverage" were
post-compiled. Also, this task puts all the data discovered for the
compilation into the coverage/data directory. It also
sets up the logging properties in the output classes directory, describing
the directory to put the log files in, and to use the "fast" logger.
This task is described in the Ant task documentation.
Note: if you want the coverage report to include line numbers (showing a
trace back to the original Java source files), then you must enable
debugging during the Running Your Tests With the Post-Compiled ClassesIf you want to run your tests with code coverage enabled, and you're using JUnit, here's an easy method. Let's say you run your tests with JUnit using the optional Ant junit task like this: <junit printsummary="yes" fork="yes" dir="${test-output.dir}"> <classpath> <pathelement location="${classes.dir}" /> <pathelement location="${test-classes.dir}" /> <path refid="classpath.base" /> </classpath> <formatter type="xml" usefile="yes" /> <batchtest todir="${test-output.dir}"> <fileset dir="${test-classes.dir}"> <include name="*Test.class" /> </fileset> </batchtest> </junit>Since the post-compilation step above only puts coverage-enabled versions of the specified classes into the directory coverage/classes , this class directory, then, doesn't contain
any special files or classes excluded from coverage. So, we need to
tell the JUnit task to reference these covered classes, but also to
include the other files. We do this by replacing the JUnit task's
classpath with this:
<classpath> <pathelement location="coverage/classes" /> <pathelement location="${classes.dir}" /> <pathelement location="${test-classes.dir}" /> <path refid="classpath.base" /> <pathelement location="GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-runtime.jar" /> </classpath>We added the coverage-enabled classes before everything else (so they have priority in the class loader), and we also added the runtime jar, as the coverage-enabled classes require these to run.
The Generating a ReportNow that coverage numbers are being generated, we need to add in additional Ant script to generate a coverage-number report.
If you're using the
Whether you use the <grobo-report logdir="coverage/logs"> <simple destdir="coverage" removeempty="true" /> <source destdir="coverage/source-report" removeempty="true" srcdir="src" title="Summary Coverage Report of My Code" /> </grobo-report>The <grobo-report> task takes all the different
generated data from the data and log directories (as specified in the
<grobo-instrument> task above) and generates reports.
The embedded style tags define what kind of reports to generate. The "simple" tag generates one HTML file for each measure, and the "source" tag generates a JavaDoc-style collection of web pages that link the Java souce code to the coverage reports.
On large class-file systems, this report generator may consume large
amounts of memory. If you see Ant generate an OutOfMemoryError, then
you can increase the amount of memory that the JVM uses with the
environment variable > set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx128Mon Windows, and $ ANT_OPTS=-Xmx128M $ export ANT_OPTSon the Bourne shell. |
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