
About GroboUtils


For Developers

GroboUtilClasses version 1.0.0

Class Utilities

Table Of Contents

  1. About Util-Classes
  2. Requirements
  3. Design
  4. Using SPI
  5. Using Chainable Exceptions
  6. Using Throwable Parser
  7. Using ClassLoadHelper
  8. Using Stores

Project Summary:

Section:  util-classes (net.sourceforge.groboutils.util.classes.v1)
Utilities that allow for easy access to Classes and instantiating them. Includes helper utilities for the Service Provider Interface (SPI), as presented in JDK 1.3. This package is JDK 1.1 compatible, but will use JDK 1.2+ methods when allowed.
Status: 17-Jul-2003: Documentation still needs a bit of work, but this has been moved up to RC1.

Section:  util-classes ( net.sourceforge.groboutils.util.throwable.v1)
Utilities that aid in creating exceptions with causes (a la JDK 1.4), and for parsing exceptions. This package is JDK 1.1 compatible, but will use the JDK 1.4-introduced exception methods when allowed.
Status: 17-Jul-2003: May remove this project in favor of Jakarta Commons Lang 1.0.

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